Mid-Year Update
Andy Foster, CEO & President | Thu, July 11, 2024

The first half of 2024 has been incredible! I want to say a sincere thank you to all of you that have continued to support and encourage the Kingdom effort of Inspiration in Northeast Indiana. It's been nothing short of amazing to see hundreds of men, women, and children pass through our doors and be impacted by housing, recovery, and restorative services. And most importantly, we have a unique opportunity to share the hope we have found in the Lord Jesus Christ with every person in which we come in contact. Please know that we couldn't accomplish our mission without you!

Just to put it out there, I do want to apologize that our communication has been a little sparse in this first half of the year. Of course, it's not a great excuse to say that we've had a lot going on, but we have. God's provision continues to be overwhelming and stewarding the lives and the resources He provides is a responsibility that we don't take lightly. We are committed to improving our communication with you, so you can join us in prayer and find ways to engage with Inspiration whether it be volunteering or financially. You're not going to find a more passionate team committed to serving the least, the last, and the lost in our communities.

As you can see by some of our numbers in this insider, we see the miraculous daily. We would be thrilled if the Lord Jesus only transformed one life in the midst of our effort, but we have already seen 17 graduates from our recovery program. These men and women are thriving in the community, getting their kids back, retaining employment for at least six months, and are making real life choices about careers and homeownership. I believe this is what the Lord has always intended for the vulnerable community. Though we value the idea of recovery, the Lord Jesus Christ is interested in so much more than just being drug and alcohol free. He has set us free to live life abundantly and our graduates are a testimony of that. 

Grace House: Now Open!

Wow! What an incredible blessing to move into our new Grace House location in Butler! We can now serve 18 to 20 women experiencing recovery and reentry. We are especially grateful to our friends with the Division of Mental Health and Addiction and the Olive B. Cole Foundation, whose grants made this possible. We believe the Lord Jesus is going to use Grace House to transform the lives of women and mothers in Northeast Indiana. And with this season of growth comes the opportunity to serve, so please let us know if you want to be engaged in all that God is doing through Inspiration’s Grace House.

The Pando App is a platform for churches and organizations to share the love of Jesus with inmates of jails and prisons all over the country. It’s also available to us in the “free world” and is a great way to experience what our brothers and sisters behind the wall have access to and to connect with them.
Inspiration has been sharing The Refuge church services, testimonies, and other encouraging content throughout 2024, and we’ve seen some remarkable outcomes. One of the coolest aspects is the use of the “Accept Christ” button while watching a video. We understand clicking a button only means so much, but we trust the Lord’s faithfulness to honor their decision to draw near to Him.
Folks have the opportunity to subscribe to our channel so they see every new video we share. Several people have begun writing to Inspiration to find out more about us and to share how they were encouraged by our content. Hallelujah!

We will continue offering digital newsletters as an alternative to our physical mailings. Whether your preference is printed paper or a digital screen, we will be providing you with the same great content and ministry updates. You can subscribe to the digital email through our website, or if you prefer physical mail, please contact us through phone, text, or email to let us know!