September 2024
Andy Foster, CEO & President | Fri, September 20, 2024

Typically, I would say that I'm a pretty glass-half-full kind of guy. If I'm being really honest, 2024 has been a bit of a tough year, and I probably have found myself not being overly optimistic. I'm sure I could link it to circumstances or feelings, but I'm reminded that God is greater than our hearts and He is the Source of all Truth. So, I'm choosing this day to believe in all things good and noble, and to believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is our source of strength and perseverance. I am choosing to be optimistic about God's impact on the Kingdom work He has called Inspiration Ministries to execute on a daily basis. We literally serve hundreds of people every day in our houses and in our communities, and we absolutely see lives and families being restored before our very eyes. Sometimes I can get in my feelings because I think people don't understand what we do or maybe they don't like what we do, but I can tell you for sure that there is no one that I want to please more with this ministry and in my leadership than the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of every good and perfect gift, and He is the one that is going to continue to provide for us to make the impact that we have been so fortunate to have over these last several years!

It's crazy to think that we're near the end of 2024, and I can't tell you enough how much we need and want your help in fulfilling this great mission. I hope you will prayerfully consider being an Impact Partner, a volunteer, and an advocate of the work Inspiration is doing in our community. There is an army being raised up, and we want you to be a part of it. This army is full of believers! Believers in the Gospel to transform every life. Let's be inspired to work together to fulfill this great Kingdom work!

A Big Thank You

We want to say thank you to our recent sponsors of the 2024 Praise-a-Bration. Your support of this event means so much to us!

PAB Sponsors 1

There is still plenty of time to help sponsor this event if you are interested. The information is below:

Impact Partner

Monthly Giving

Our hope is that you are willing to give monthly. The amount is not as significant as the prayer commitment and shared vision in Kingdom impact.

Meaningful Engagement

We understand people are busy. Our hope is that volunteers will take the time to engage with our staff and residents.

If you are interested in being an impact partner, we encourage you to scan the QR code above with your camera app, or click the link to donate at the top right of the webpage. Every dollar matters and is making an impact in the lives of the men and women we serve.