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Evan McCullough
When I stepped into the doors of Inspiration Ministries the love and understanding overwhelmed me.

I never actually knew the meaning of being loved or how to love. It was a rough time growing up and learning from my own mistakes. My birth parents left me at 2 ½ - 3 yrs old and my adoptive parents kicked me out at 15. I had a very hard time trusting people, except when it came to getting what I wanted though. When it came to working on myself I would use my addictions as an excuse to not deal with the things from my past. My trauma had left me broken and I didn't know how to deal with it. I came to a point where I hit rock bottom due to all my insanity and I decided to get some help for myself. I went through two different recovery programs, still dealing with my anger and resentment of my past. I was not able to graduate, but when it came to my third recovery program everything was different. When I stepped into the doors of Inspiration Ministries the love and understanding overwhelmed me. I was no longer living for myself but for God and there was a bigger purpose worth living for.

God has blessed me in so many ways and is still growing me as the man He created me to be. He gave me a loving and caring community that supports and encourages my walk with Christ. I have an amazing job where I can serve the elderly by doing God's work. I love the Lord and all He has done, is doing, and will do in my life. I could not have asked for a better place than Inspiration Ministries to bring me back to the Father. Thank You Lord, and thank you to Inspiration Ministries.