Shelby Low Testimony Page 03
Shelby Low
Because of Inspiration, what I once thought was impossible has now become my reality.

Before I came into the Inspiration Recovery Program, I had everything backwards. I was trapped in sin, a spiraling addiction, and had fallen victim to the ways of the world. I couldn’t see how putting my faith in and surrendering control to something intangible would solve any of my problems or take any of the pain away. So I continued to run the show, continued to justify my sinful actions, and continued to live in misery. In September 2023 I was sentenced to serve three months in jail, which doesn’t seem like much time but it was more than enough for me to finally realize that my life seriously needed to change.

Though He’s never left me, God met me in that jail cell. He called my name and I heard Him loud and clear. Because of this program, what I once thought was impossible has now become my reality. Not only has Jesus restored relationships with my family and surrounded me with true, genuine people, but He’s also given me the strength to forgive. Forgive myself, forgive those that have hurt me, and forgive the man that took my mother from me 25 years ago. Because of Jesus, I have real JOY. I have a smile on my face that never leaves because I have learned to always look at the world through the lens of Jesus. Because of Jesus, I have finally experienced true freedom.